Interface defining methods for interacting with raw Blogger feeds.

Provides functionality to fetch both summary and full content feeds, with options for single entries or complete feed retrieval.

interface RawFeed {
    all<T>(options: FeedOptionsSummary<T>): Promise<T extends "posts"
        ? RawPostsBlogSummary
        : T extends "comments"
            ? RawCommentsBlogSummary
            : T extends "pages"
                ? RawPagesBlogSummary
                : never>;
    all<T, R>(options: FeedOptions<T, R>): Promise<FeedResult<T, R, RawPostsBlogSummary, RawCommentsBlogSummary, RawPagesBlogSummary, RawPostsBlog, RawCommentsBlog, RawPagesBlog>>;
    byId<T, R>(options: FeedByIdOptions<T, R>): Promise<FeedResult<T, R, RawPostsEntryBlogSummary, RawCommentsBlogSummary, RawPagesEntryBlogSummary, RawPostsEntryBlog, RawCommentsBlog, RawPagesEntryBlog>>;
    byId<T>(options: FeedByIdOptionsSummary<T>): Promise<T extends "posts"
        ? RawPostsEntryBlogSummary
        : T extends "comments"
            ? RawCommentsBlogSummary
            : T extends "pages"
                ? RawPagesEntryBlogSummary
                : never>;
    <T>(options: FeedOptionsSummary<T>): Promise<T extends "posts"
        ? RawPostsBlogSummary
        : T extends "comments"
            ? RawCommentsBlogSummary
            : T extends "pages"
                ? RawPagesBlogSummary
                : never>;
    <T, R>(options: FeedOptions<T, R>): Promise<FeedResult<T, R, RawPostsBlogSummary, RawCommentsBlogSummary, RawPagesBlogSummary, RawPostsBlog, RawCommentsBlog, RawPagesBlog>>;

