maxThe maximum value of results that the blogger feed api can retrieve.
This number is representative, the actual value may be much lower.
fromCreates a new builder from the given params
params: Partial<RequestFeedParams> | SearchParamsThe source params.
copy: booleanIf true, creates first a new param object from the given.
emptyCreates a new builder.
Changes the 1-based index of the first result to be retrieved.
Blogger API Note
The index value.
Changes the 1-based index of the first result to be retrieved according to the max value.
The page value. The minimum is 0.
Changes the bounds on the entry publication date.
The min publication date value.
max: MaybeStringThe max publication date value.
Changes the bounds on the entry update date.
The min updated date value.
max: MaybeStringThe max updated date value.
Changes the sort order applied to results.
The sort order.
Changes the full-text query string.
Blogger API Notes
The query value.
Changes alternative representation type.
The alternative representation type.
Creates the search feed params.
copy: booleanIf true, return a copy of the created params.
Instances a new search params builder.