Interface Feed

Interface defining methods for interacting with mapped Blogger feeds.

Provides functionality to fetch both summary and full content feeds, with options for single entries or complete feed retrieval.

interface Feed {
    raw: RawFeed;
    all<T>(options: FeedOptionsSummary<T>): Promise<T extends "posts"
        ? PostsBlogSummary
        : T extends "comments"
            ? CommentsBlogSummary
            : T extends "pages"
                ? PagesBlogSummary
                : never>;
    all<T, R>(options: FeedOptions<T, R>): Promise<FeedResult<T, R, PostsBlogSummary, CommentsBlogSummary, PagesBlogSummary, PostsBlog, CommentsBlog, PostsBlog>>;
    byId<T, R>(options: FeedByIdOptions<T, R>): Promise<FeedResult<T, R, PostsEntryBlogSummary, CommentsBlogSummary, PagesEntryBlogSummary, PostsEntryBlog, CommentsBlog, PagesEntryBlog>>;
    byId<T>(options: FeedByIdOptionsSummary<T>): Promise<T extends "posts"
        ? PostsEntryBlogSummary
        : T extends "comments"
            ? CommentsBlogSummary
            : T extends "pages"
                ? PagesEntryBlogSummary
                : never>;
    <T>(options: FeedOptionsSummary<T>): Promise<T extends "posts"
        ? PostsBlogSummary
        : T extends "comments"
            ? CommentsBlogSummary
            : T extends "pages"
                ? PagesBlogSummary
                : never>;
    <T, R>(options: FeedOptions<T, R>): Promise<FeedResult<T, R, PostsBlogSummary, CommentsBlogSummary, PagesBlogSummary, PostsBlog, CommentsBlog, PostsBlog>>;




raw: RawFeed

The handler to make requests to the blogger feed API directly.
