
A ControlDrawer that draws an arc. Draws the arc positioned almost in Control.viewParametricPosition.



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public ArcControlDrawer ArcControlDrawer(ColorsScheme colors, Float strokeWidth, Float sweepAngle)
public ArcControlDrawer ArcControlDrawer(@ColorInt() Integer color, Float strokeWidth, Float sweepAngle)


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private final Circle arcCircle

A Circle representation for the arc position.

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private final ColorsScheme colors

The drawer colors.

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private final IntArray colorsArray

An IntArray of the current colors properties.

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public final static Float MAX_SWEEP_ANGLE

The maximum arc sweep angle.

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public final static Float MIN_STROKE_WIDTH

The minimum stroke width of arc arrow.

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public final static Float MIN_SWEEP_ANGLE

The minimum arc sweep angle.

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private final Paint paint

The drawer paint.

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private Float sweepAngle


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public Unit draw(Canvas canvas, Control control)

Draw the control representation.

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protected Unit drawArc(Canvas canvas, Control control, Float startArcAngle)

Draws the arc shape.

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protected Unit drawArrow(Canvas canvas, Control control, Double angle)

Draws the arc arrow in the center of the arc pointing outward.

public final static Unit drawArrow(Canvas canvas, ImmutablePosition position, Float arrowLength, Paint paint)
public final static Unit drawArrow(Canvas canvas, ImmutablePosition position, Float arrowLength, Float rotateAngle, Paint paint)
public final static Unit drawArrow(Canvas canvas, Float x, Float y, Float arrowLength, Paint paint)
public final static Unit drawArrow(Canvas canvas, Float x, Float y, Float arrowLength, Float rotateAngle, Paint paint)

Draws an arrow path with the give canvas.

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protected Unit drawShapes(Canvas canvas, Control control)

Draws the arc and arc arrow shapes.

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Gets the accent color of colors.

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protected Circle getArcCircle()

A Circle representation for the arc position.

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protected final ColorsScheme getColors()
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protected final IntArray getColorsArray()
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protected Double getDistance(Control control)

Gets the distance value between the arc position and the control center.

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protected RectF getOval(Control control)

The bounds of oval used to define the shape and size of the arc.

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protected final Paint getPaint()
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protected Shader getPaintShader(Control control, Double angle, Double startAngle)

The Shader for the drawer paint.

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Gets the primary color of colors.

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public final Float getStrokeWidth()

Gets the stroke width of the paint.

@FloatRange(from = 30.0)
public final static Float getStrokeWidth(Float strokeWidth)

Checks if the strokeWidth value meets the valid range.

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public final Float getSweepAngle()

Gets the arc sweep angle.

@FloatRange(from = 30.0, to = 180.0)
public final static Float getSweepAngle(Float sweepAngle)

Checks if the sweepAngle value meets the valid range.

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public final static Path pathArrow(ImmutablePosition position, Float length)
public final static Path pathArrow(Float x, Float y, Float length)

Creates a path for an simple arrow.

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public Unit setAccentColor(Integer accentColor)

Sets the accent color of colors.

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public Unit setColors(ColorsScheme colors)

Sets the primary and accent colors of drawer based on a schema.

public Unit setColors(@ColorInt() Integer primary, @ColorInt() Integer accent)

Sets the primary and accent colors of drawer.

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public Unit setPrimaryColor(Integer primaryColor)

Sets the primary color of colors and paint.

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public final Unit setStrokeWidth(Float strokeWidth)

Sets the stroke width of the paint.

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public final Unit setSweepAngle(Float sweepAngle)

Sets the arc sweep angle.