
public abstract class Control

Represents a virtual joystick control.

Custom control must inherit from this class.



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public Control Control(Float invalidRadius, JoystickView.DirectionType directionType)


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public final class Builder

A builder class to build a control for the default ones.

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public enum DefaultType extends Enum<Control.DefaultType>


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private final Double anglePosition

Calculates the angle (clockwise) formed from the current position and center.

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private final ImmutablePosition center

Gets the immutable position of control center.

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Gets the direction to which the control is pointing. It is based on the anglePosition value, but if distanceFromCenter is less than invalidRadius, the direction is considered as Direction.NONE.

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The control directions type.

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private final Float distanceFromCenter

Calculates the distance between current position and center.

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The control drawer.

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Invalid radius to be taken into account when obtaining control direction.

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Gets the immutable position of control position.

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Gets the parametric position of current position in the view circle.

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private final Double viewRadius

Gets the radius of the view where the control is used.


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protected final Float deltaX()

Calculates the difference in the x-coordinate between the current position and the center.

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protected final Float deltaY()

Calculates the difference in the y-coordinate between the current position and the center.

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public final Double getAnglePosition()
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The control directions type.

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public abstract ControlDrawer getDrawer()

The control drawer.

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public final Float getInvalidRadius()

Invalid radius to be taken into account when obtaining control direction.

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public final Double getViewRadius()
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public final Boolean isInCenter()

Checks if current position is an the same center coordinates.

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public Unit onDraw(Canvas canvas)

Method to draw the control using the drawer.

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public final Unit onSizeChanged(Size size)

Called (or call it) when the size of the view changes.

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public final Unit setDirectionType(JoystickView.DirectionType directionType)

The control directions type.

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public abstract Unit setDrawer(ControlDrawer drawer)

The control drawer.

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public final Unit setInvalidRadius(Float invalidRadius)
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public final Unit setPosition(ImmutablePosition position)
public final Unit setPosition(Float x, Float y)

Sets the current position of the control.

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public final Unit toCenter()

Sets the current position to center.

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protected final Unit validatePositionValues()

Validates the control position values.