
A ControlDrawer that draws a highlighted circular trapezoid.



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private final ColorsScheme colors

The drawer colors.

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private final IntArray colorsArray

An IntArray of the current colors properties.

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private Float innerRatio
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private final Integer lastQuadrant

The last current quadrant where the control was.

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public final static Integer MAX_ALPHA

The maximum valid value of the alpha channel.

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public final static Float MAX_INNER_RADIUS_RATIO

The maximum ratio value to calculating the inner distance from the center.

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public final static Integer MIN_ALPHA

The minimum valid value of the alpha channel.

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public final static Float MIN_INNER_RADIUS_RATIO

The minimum ratio value to calculating the inner distance from the center.

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private final Paint paint

The drawer paint.

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private final Path trapezoidPath

The Path to draw the filled shape of the circular trapezoid.


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public Unit draw(Canvas canvas, Control control)

Draw the control representation.

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protected Unit drawTrapezoid(Canvas canvas, Control control)

Draws the current trapezoidPath.

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protected Unit fillTrapezoid(Control control, Integer quadrant, Float sweepAngle)

Resets and fills the path of the circular trapezoid.

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Gets the accent color of colors.

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@IntRange(from = 50, to = 102)
public final static Integer getAlphaRanged(Integer alpha)

Checks if the alpha value meets the valid range.

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public final static Integer getAlphaRangedColor(@ColorInt() Integer color)

Changes the alpha channel value of the given color to the one returned by getAlphaRanged.

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protected final ColorsScheme getColors()
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protected final IntArray getColorsArray()
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protected Integer getCurrentQuadrant(Control control)

Gets the current quadrant of the control position.

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protected Double getInnerDistance(Control control)

Gets the distance value between the inner arc of the trapezoid and the control center.

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@FloatRange(from = 0.10000000149011612, to = 0.10000000149011612)
public final static Float getInnerRadiusRatio(Float ratio)

Checks if the ratio value meets the valid range.

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public final Float getInnerRatio()

Gets the inner ratio value to calculate the inner distance from the control center to the inner arc of the trapezoid.

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protected final Integer getLastQuadrant()

The last current quadrant where the control was.

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protected Double getOuterDistance(Control control)

Gets the distance value between the outer arc of the trapezoid and the control center.

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protected final Paint getPaint()
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Gets the sweep angle for give direction type.

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protected final Path getTrapezoidPath()

The Path to draw the filled shape of the circular trapezoid.

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public final Boolean isStrictColor()

Gets the value that determines that the primary color should be taken as set or not.

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public Unit setAccentColor(Integer accentColor)

Sets the accent color of colors.

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public Unit setColors(ColorsScheme colors)

Sets the primary and accent colors of drawer based on a schema.

public Unit setColors(@ColorInt() Integer primary, @ColorInt() Integer accent)

Sets the primary and accent colors of drawer.

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public final Unit setInnerRatio(Float innerRatio)

Sets the inner ratio value.

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public Unit setPrimaryColor(Integer primaryColor)

Sets the primary color of colors and paint.

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public final Unit setStrictColor(Boolean isStrictColor)

Sets the value that determines that the (new) primary color should be taken as set or not.