Gallerynpy Properties
Gallerynpy uses multiple values accessible from to configure and/or style the screens to be displayed. The properties that can be accessed are shown below.
Style Properties
To customize the screen where the gallery is displayed, you can do it directly in the screens.rpy file by modifying the code to your liking. But if you don’t want to make big changes, and you only want to change some styles as colours or background of the gallery, you can do this by changing the value of the following properties.
- property
- Getter:
Gets the filepath to the font.
Used as on styles for text.- Setter:
Sets the filepath to the font
- Parameters:
font – The new filepath to the font.
- property
- Getter:
Gets the font size.
Used on styles for text.- Setter:
Sets the font size.
- Parameters:
size – The new font size.
- property
- Getter:
Gets the primary color.
Used on styles for text.- Setter:
Sets the primary color.
- Parameters:
color – The new primary color. Must be in hexadecimal format.
- property
- Getter:
Gets the hover color.
Used on styles for text.- Setter:
Sets the hover color.
- Parameters:
color – The new hover color. Must be in hexadecimal format.
- property
- Getter:
Gets the selected color.
Used on styles for text.- Setter:
Sets the selected color.
- Parameters:
color – The new hover color. Must be in hexadecimal format.
- property
- Getter:
Gets the insensitive color.
Used on styles for text.- Setter:
Sets the insensitive color.
- Parameters:
color – The new insensitive color. Must be in hexadecimal format.
- Getter:
Gets the resource navigation_background.
It is used as a displayable background for the navigation section.- Setter:
Sets the resource navigation_background.
- Parameters:
displayable – The new resource for navigation_background
- Getter:
Gets the resource menu_bg.
It is used as a displayable background for the main gallerynpy screen.- Setter:
Sets the resource menu_bg.
- Parameters:
displayable – The new resource for menu_bg
- Getter:
Gets the resource menu.
It is used as a displayable for the main gallerynpy screen. It’s added after menu_bg.- Setter:
Sets the resource menu.
- Parameters:
displayable – The new resource for menu
- property
- Getter:
Gets the spacing between the navigation section and the items section.
- Setter:
Sets the spacing between the navigation section and the items section.
- Parameters:
spacing – The new spacing value. The min is 0.
- property
- Getter:
Gets the xspacing between each item in the items section.
- Setter:
Sets the xspacing between each item in the items section.
- Parameters:
xspacing – The new xspacing value. The min is 0.
- Getter:
Gets the position where the navigation section was located.
- Setter:
Sets the position where the navigation section will be located.
- Parameters:
position – The new position. Possible values are l or r.
- Getter:
Gets the yalgin value where the navigation was located.
- Setter:
Sets the yalgin value where the navigation will be located.
- Parameters:
yalign – The new yalign value. The min is 0 and max is 1.
- Getter:
Gets the current xsize (width) of the navigation section.
- Setter:
Sets the current xsize (width) of the navigation section.
- Parameters:
xsize – The new xsize value. The min is 80.
- Getter:
Gets the current ysize (height) of the button section (slides names) in the navigation section.
- Setter:
Sets the current ysize (height) of the button section (slides names) in the navigation section.
- Parameters:
ysize – The new ysize value. The min is 40.
- Getter:
Gets the position where the navigation bar was located.
- Setter:
Sets the position where the navigation bar will be located.
- Parameters:
position – The new position. Possible values are l or r.
- Getter:
Gets the current xpos of the navigation bar in the navigation section.
- Setter:
Sets the current xpos of the navigation bar in the navigation section.
- Parameters:
xpos – The new xpos value. The min is 0.
- Getter:
Gets the current xsize (width) of the navigation bar in the navigation section.
- Setter:
Sets the current xsize (width) of the navigation bar in the navigation section.
- Parameters:
xsize – The new xsize value. The min is 5.
Item Properties
You can configure images (or viewables) for gallery item thumbnails such as blocked and image not found, or special overlays such as play icon for videos or animations.
- property Resource
- Getter:
Gets the resource locked.
It is used as a thumbnail on items that have not met the unlock condition they have.- Setter:
Sets the resource locked.
- Parameters:
displayable – The new resource for locked
- property Resource
- Getter:
Gets the resource idle.
Used as idle displayable onIMAGE
type items.- Setter:
Sets the resource idle.
- Parameters:
displayable – The new resource for idle
- property
- Getter:
Gets the folder where video thumbnails are stored.
This is where files for thumbnails like videpath_thumbnail.jpg will be searched.- Setter:
Sets the folder where video thumbnails are stored.
- Parameters:
folder – The new folder path.
Configuration Properties
You can set some parameters to change the behavior of some functions in gallerynpy.
If true, forces the
to load/validate when it is created. Affects only instances created internally by gallerynpy.Default is False. Changes to true once the game has finished starting.
If true, sorts the names (keys) of each slide/slider in the current slider before displaying them as options.
Default is False.
If true, the (displayables) elements of the gallery will be stored in the Gallery object. Otherwise, when you exit the gallerynpy screen, the reference to the Gallery object will be removed (del) to try to free up space, and it will be re-initialized when you return.
Default is False.
If true, the images will be rescaled to the size of the game screen. Trying to keep the original width / height ratio to avoid deformation.
Default is True.
If true, the (displayables) gallery items will be loaded after the start of the game. Otherwise, they will be loaded when needed.
Default is False.
- Getter:
Gets whether gallerynpy slides marked as animation one will display the screen with speed options
- Setter:
Sets whether gallerynpy slides marked as animation one will display the screen with speed options.
It will also be saved in persistent.gallerynpy_with_speed variable.- Parameters:
value – The new value.
- Getter:
Gets the current animation speed.
- Setter:
Sets the current animation speed.
- Parameters:
value – The new animation speed value. The min is 1.
Other Properties
There are also other properties which, although not editable, may be useful.
- property
- Getter:
Gets the current version of Gallerynpy in string format.
- property
- Getter:
Gets the thumbnail extensions accepted for automatically loading video element extensions.
e.g. _thumbnail.jpg.